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Conference Speakers

Dr. Gordon Reed: currently at Longtown Presbyterian Church in Ridgeway, SC (server is slow, you may have trouble with this link); teaches at RTS (in Charlotte, I'm guessing) and Knox Theological Seminary; founder and minister of Word Ministries, Inc (this site is barebones, a short bio and contact info); wrote Westminster Daily Devotional (B&N is cheaper than Amazon, but you can also get it here and offset your carbon - neat).

Rev. Raymond Cannata: currently at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New Orleans, LA. If you would like to volunteer with them, go here.

Rev. Andrew Vander Maas: currently at Crossroads Presbyterian Fellowiship in St. Louis, MO (church plant); teaches at Covenant Theological Seminary. Joe's Place, for homeless teenage boys, is mentioned in his conference bio.